Дэвид Вебер Наследники Империи

- Дэвид Вебер Наследники Империи
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english David Weber / Дэвид Вебер - Полное собрание сочинений 1992-2010 Год выпуска: 1992-2010 Автор: Weber David / Вебер Дэвид Жанр: фантастика / фентези Язык: английский Формат:.html.rtf.txt Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное) Описание: Дэвид Марк Вебер (р. 1952 г.) - популярный американский писатель-фантаст, большинство его романов относятся к жанру космической военной фантастики (military science fiction). Дэвид Вебер в основном известен циклом о Хонор Харрингтон (Honor Harrington), талантливом офицере космического флота королевства Мантикоры. Эти книги часто называют космической версией морских приключений Горацио Хорнблауэра - сравнение весьма лестное, так как Форрестер на Западе едва ли не самый популярный автор в этом жанре. По словам ДВ, его цель - 'рассказать историю войны полностью.
Почему ее начали, чего она стоила всем участникам и к каким желаемым и нежелаемым переменам она привела'. Также заслуживают интереса и другие серии и книги ДВ, часть которых написана в соавторстве Торрент-файл перезалит, добавлены: 'A Mighty Fortress' - 4 книга в серии 'Safehold' 'Out of the Dark' - новелла из сборника 'Warriors' А также выложена финальная версия 'Mission of Honor' ОПИСАНИЕ Series.
Mass Market Paperback, 384 Pages, Published 1998 by Baen, 1st THUS Edition ISBN-10:, ISBN-13: 573 Tells how the Harrington family and its tradition of distinguished service in the defence of the realm was founded, and how they discovered treecats. Weber is joined in Honor's universe by two leading science fiction writers, David Drake and S.M. A Beautiful Friendship (Прекрасная дружба) – David Weber 2. A Grand Tour (Большое путешествие) – David Drake 3. A Wiff of Grapeshot (Дуновение картечи) – S.M.Sterling 4. The Universe of Honor Harrington (Вселенная Хонор Харрингтон) – David Weber (с картинками ).
Mass Market Paperback, 480 Pages, Published 2002 by Baen ISBN-10:, ISBN-13: 208 Lady Dame Honor Harrington - starship captain, admiral, Steadholder, and Duchess - has spent decades defending the Star Kingdom of Manticore against all comers. Along the way, she has become the legend known as 'the Salamander' from her habit of always being where the fire is hottest.and also a national bestseller (Ashes of Victory: #7, The Wall Street Journal). But it's a big universe, and Honor's actions affect a lot of lives, not all of them human. And their actions affect her - a lesson 'Ms. Midshipwoman Harrington' learns years before rising to command rank, when a desperate battle against 'pirates' who aren't quite what they seem begins her brilliant career. Closer to home, in 'Changer of Worlds,' a secret that the alien treecats have kept from their human friends for hundreds of years is about to come out.and completely change the relationship between the two species forever.
- Поклонники творчества Девида Вебера, известного автора фантастической литературы, предлагаю объединяться! - официальный сайт Дэвида Вебера. Перевод наследников империи,кроме нотабен оида,увы для меня,недоступного,нигде больше не появится?
- Пятая Империя [Д.Вебер]. Вебер, Дэвид: Перевод. Чернова, Ксения.
Изменяющая Миры (Changer of Worlds) – David Weber. Читать на серия ' Пятая Империя' (Fifth Empire) Наследники.
Meanwhile, Eric Flint weighs in with 'From the Highlands.' Honor can't be everywhere, so when the People's Republic of Haven tries to stage a political assassination on Earth, Anton Zilwicki - husband of one of the Star Kingdom's most revered military martyrs, and father of a young woman who is clearly a chip off the old block - steps into the breach.and takes the opportunity to settle some old scores along the way. And finally, Esther McQueen and Oscar Saint-Just square off for their final confrontation in Noveau Paris in 'Nightfall.' Midshipwoman Harrington (Миз гардемарин Харрингтон) – David Weber 2. Changer of Worlds (Изменяющая Миры) – David Weber 3. From the Highlands (Горец) – Eric Flint 4. Nightfall (Сошествие ночи) – David Weber.
Mass Market Paperback, 672 Pages, Published 2004 by Baen, 1st THUS Edition ISBN-10:, ISBN-13: 365 Lady Dame Honor Harrington isn't alone. Her life touches othersand their lives touch hersdirectly, or indirectly, whether as a naval officer, steadholder, or duchess.
In this collection, Jane Lindskold gives us the story of a prince on the brink of maturity and an extraordinary young Grayson woman named Juditha victim of Masadan brutality, who confronts insurmountable odds in a desperate effort to lead her sisters to freedom ordeath among the stars. Timothy Zahn weighs in with a story of the heavy cruiser HMS Fearless; a brilliant young tactical officer on temporarily detached duty; Solarian con men; secret weapons that aren't quite what they seem to be; naval spies, spooks, and dirty tricks; courage and honor; and a surprising glimpse into one of Admiral Sonja Hemphill's most crucial technological innovations.
John Ringo offers his unique blend of nonstop action and deliciously skewed humor in two offerings. The Peep planet of Prague and its brutally repressive StateSec regime will never be the same again after the unscheduled, unofficial, and thoroughly catastrophic visit by a pair of Manticoran Marines with a most peculiar taste in their holiday destinations.
And then there's the question of what an explosively expanding navy does with the personnel who can't quite cut the mustard. Eric Flint tells us the story of an idealistic young StateSec officer who finds himself in the right place at the right time following the fall of Oscar Saint-Just. Young Victor Cachat could influence the loyalty of an entire sector. If he's only lucky enough to manage to stay alive long enough to try. And finally, David Weber gives us the tale of the first Grayson midshipwoman on her 'snotty cruise' at a time when internal tensions threaten the entire future of the Manticoran Alliance and people are about to rediscover the Fact that the Peeps are far from the only predators hiding in the stars.
Promised land (Земля обетованная) – Jane Lindskold 2. With One Stone (Одним выстрелом) – Timothy Zahn 3. A Ship Called Francis (Корабль по имени 'Фрэнсис') – John Ringo, Victor Mitchell 4.
Let's Go To Prague (Отправимся в Прагу) – John Ringo 5. Fanatic (Фанатик) – Eric Flint 6. In the Service of the Sword (На службе Мечу) – David Weber. Originally published as three separate novels, 'Mutineer's Moon', 'The Armageddon' and 'Heirs of Empire', this volume recounts the adventures for Duhak, an AI-controlled Imperial starship, when it encounter's Colin Macintyre's routine flight over the moon. Mutineer's Moon / Луна мятежников Mass Market Paperback, 320 Pages, Published 1992 by Baen, later printing Edition ISBN-10:, ISBN-13: 858 For Lt.
Commander Colin Maclntyre, it began as a routine training flight over the Moon. For Dahak, a self-aware Imperial battleship, it began millennia ago when that powerful artificial intelligence underwent a mutiny in the face of the enemy. The mutiny was never resolved-Dahak was forced to maroon not just the mutineers but the entire crew on prehistoric Earth.
Dahak has been helplessly waiting as the descendants of the loyal crew regressed while the mutineers maintained control of technology that kept them alive as the millennia passed. But now Dahak's sensors indicate that the enemy that devastated the Imperium so long ago has returned-and Earth is in their path. For the sake of the planet, Dahak must mobilize its defenses.
Гипсокартонные потолки. And that it cannot do until the mutineers are put down. So Dahak has picked Colin Maclntyre to be its new captain. Now Maclntyre must mobilize humanity to destroy the mutineers once and for all-or Earth will become a cinder in the path of galactic conquest. The Armageddon Inheritance / Унаследованный Армагеддон Mass Market Paperback, 352 Pages, Published 1993 by Baen, 1St Edition ISBN-10:, ISBN-13: 978 Brashieel flinched as the waiting fortresses exploded with power. The terrible energy weapons which had slain so many of Vindicator's brothers in ship-to-ship combat were as nothing beside this! They smote full upon the warships' shields, and as they smote, those ships died One, two, seven-still they died!
Nothing could withstand that fury. Andrew Samson shouted. Six of the invaders already, and more going! He picked a target whose shields wavered under fire from three different ODCs and popped a gravitonic warhead neatly through them.
His victim perished, and this time there was no question who'd made the kill. The Order went out, and Brashieel sighed with gratitude. Lord of Thought, Mosharg must have learned what they had come to learn. They could leave. Assuming they could get away alive. 'They're withdrawing!'
Someone shouted and Gerald Hatcher nodded. Yes, they were, but they'd cost too much before they went. Two missiles had actually gotten through the planetary shield despite all that Vassily and the PDCs could do, and thank God those bastards didn't have gravitonic warheads.
Heirs of Empire / Наследники Империи Mass Market Paperback, 432 Pages, Published 1992 by Spectra, First Thus Edition ISBN-10:, ISBN-13: 129 For really tough jobs, Emperor Colin, the first of that name, is your man. The only person in the galaxy ever to stop the genocidal Achuutani, he went on from there to resurrect an empire that died fourty-five thousand years ago. He's still got a few problems - like a traitor out to murder him and three-quarters of a billion of his subjects - but if anyone can handle the job, it's Colin. But the rest of the galaxy better brace itself, because his progeny are on the way. Not that Sean and Harriet aren't nice kids; it's just that they've had a bad day.
They're a long way from home, marooned with a blown up starship that's left them stranded on a theocratic world of gun powder and pikes, and Mother Church of that world doesn't like them very much. In fact, she's declared them demons, proclaimed Holy War, marshalled the Holy Host, and ordered them exterminated. You might think that things look pretty bleak for the kids, but in reality it's Mother Church that's in trouble - because Sean and Harry are chips off the old block - and they're about to get angry. Hardcover, 816 Pages, Published 2004 by Baen, illustrated edition ISBN-10:, ISBN-13: 419 TWO NOVELS IN THE NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING SERIES IN ONE VOLUME Crusade / Крестовый поход Spacers call the warp point Charon's Ferry. No star ship has ever entered it and returned since a vengeful Orion task force pursued a doomed Terran colonization fleet into it in 2206. Almost a century has passed. The fiery hatreds of a quarter-century of warfare between the Terran Federation and the Zheeerlikou'valkhannaieeee, the cat-like species humans called the 'Orions,' have eased at least a little.
The 'Grand Alliance' forged by the need to fight side-by-side against the genocidal Rigelians remains, but there are those on either side who continue to hate, continue to distrust. Now the strength of that war-forged alliance is about to be tested. For Charon's Ferry is about to give up the secret of its dead. A ship has emerged from the deadly warp point at last. A ship which responds to the challenge of an Orion star ship using ancient human communications codes. Then opens fire. The holocaust of interstellar warfare has been ignited anew, in a bloody crusade to free Holy Mother Terra.
Дэвид Вебер Наследники Империи

In Death Ground / Земля смерти In difficult ground, press on; In encircled ground, devise stratagems; In death ground, fight.Sun Tzu in The Art of War (circa 400 B.C.) The more things change, the more they remain the same. Three thousand years after Sun Tszu wrote those words, in the time of the Fourth Interstellar War, the ancient advice still holds true. The 'Bugs' have overwhelming numbers, implacable purpose, and a strategy that's mind-numbingly alien. They can't be reasoned or negotiated with. They can't even be communicated with.
But what they want is terrifyingly clear. The sentient species in their path aren't enemies to be conquered; they're food sources to be consumed. Totally oblivious to their own losses, rumbling onward like some invincible force of nature, their enormous fleets are as unstoppable as Juggernaut.
Yet for the desperate Federation Navy and its enemies-turned-allies, the Orions, there is nowhere to go. Their battered, outnumbered ships are all that stand between the billions upon billions of defenseless civilians on the worlds behind them and an enemy from the darkest depths of nightmare, and there can be no retreat. But at least their options are clear.
As Sun Tzu said, in death ground, there is only one strategy: FIGHT. Hardcover, 1056 Pages, Published 2005 by Baen ISBN-10:, ISBN-13: 125 TWO NOVELS IN THE NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING SERIES IN ONE VOLUME- INCLUDING THE FIRST COMPLETE AND UNCUT PUBLICATION OF THE NOVEL INSURRECTION The Shiva Option / Выбор Шивы The war wasn't going well. The alien Arachnids were an enemy whose like no civilized race had ever confronted, overrunning planet after planet. The 'Bugs' regarded any sentient species as a handy protein source. Defeat was not an option. The Grand Alliance of Humans and other races has been driven to the wall. Whatever they do, the Bugs just keep coming.
Reluctantly, they now must reactivate General Directive 18, however horrible it may be. Because when the only possible outcomes are victory or racial extermination, only one option is acceptable: The Shiva Option. Insurrection / Восстание And peace isn't always wonderful. Once the enemy was defeated, the central governments of the Inner Worlds were anything but willing to relinquish their wartime powers. To insure that their grip on the reins of power remained firm, the establishment plans to allow the non-human beings of the Khanate to join the Federation, thus reducing the Fringe Worlds voting bloc to impotent minority status. The ruthless bureaucrats of the Corporate Worlds are smugly confident that this power play will keep the colonial upstarts in their place.
But the Fringers have only one answer to that: Insurrection. Hardcover, 512 Pages, Published 2010 by Tor Books ISBN-10:, ISBN-13: 122 Earth is conquered. The Shongairi have arrived in force, and humanity's cities lie in radioactive ruins. In mere minutes, over half the human race has died. Now Master Sergeant Stephen Buchevsky, who thought he was being rotated home from his latest tour in Afghanistan, finds himself instead prowling the back country of the Balkans, dodging alien patrols and trying to organize the scattered survivors without getting killed.
His chances look bleak. The aliens have definitely underestimated human tenacity-but no amount of heroism can endlessly hold off overwhelming force. Then, emerging from the mountains and forests of Eastern Europe, new allies present themselves to the ragtag human resistance. Predators, creatures of the night, human in form but inhumanly strong. Long Enemies of humanity.until now. Because now is the time to defend Earth.
НЕ ЗАБЫВАЕМ КОММЕНТИРОВАТЬ, СТАВИТЬ ' + ' И НАЖИМАТЬ НА ' СПАСИБО '!!! A Mighty Fortress (Safehold 4) не планируется?(она есть в e-mule например) И не только там, как выяснилось. Исправляю упущение, книга добавлена, а также выложена полная и окончательная версия 12-й книги серии о Хонор Харрингтон. А потом еще немного подумал и добавил вышедшую в сентябре новеллу 'Из темноты', появившуюся в сборнике 'Воины'.
Весь сборник кстати ничего так, весьма рекомендую. И обложки добавил, каких недоставало, точнее те, которые умерли вместе с ipictures. Знаю, что давно это было, но все руки как то не доходили.
Органический поиск Позиция Домен тИЦ ЯК PR DMOZ Запросов Трафик, в месяц Заголовок (url) Сниппет 1 50 — 0 — 32 725 16 000 Наследники Империи - военный научно-фантастический роман 1996 года Дэвида Вебера. Это - третий роман в трилогии Dahak после фактического duology Луны Мятежников и Наследования Армагеддона. 2 250 да 2 — 57 80 Наследники Империи (Heirs of Empire) 1996.
Миры Вебера (Worlds of Weber) 2008 – сборник повестей, написанных в период с 1995 по 2007 годы. Некий талант (A Certain Talent). 3 150 — 2 — 33 944 16 600 Все книги автора Дэвид Вебер. Серия 'Пятая Империя' состоит из трех книг 1. Луна мятежников (Mutineers' Moon) 1994 (другой перевод: Восход Луны) 2.
Унаследованный Армагеддон (The Armageddon Inheritance) 1994 3. Наследники Империи (Heirs of. 4 275 — 1 — 145 609 58 000 Пятая Империя. Вебер Дэвид. Но хотя весь высший командный состав, доставшийся нам в наследство от старого режима, был нами устранен, наличие моих комиссаров на борту каждого 5 190 — 1 — 3 462 520 David Mark Weber Дэвид Марк Вебер — американский писатель, сатирик, фантаст. Через джунгли (Имперский вояж) Пятая Империя - 1.
Дэвид Вебер Наследники Империи Читать
Восход Луны (Луна мятежников) - 2. Унаследованный Армагеддон - 3. Наследники Империи Галактический шторм - 1.
6 850 — 3 да 128 046 68 100 Имперский вояж (Империя человека - 1). Автор: Вебер Дэвид. Автор: Вебер Дэвид. Жанр: Фэнтези. Описание: С юных лет наследник имперского престола Роджер Макклинток пытался понять, почему никто, даже собственная мать, не воспринимает. 7 6 800 да 5 — 851 144 351 000 Собрание сочинений Год: 1990-2011 Автор: Вебер Дэвид / Weber David Жанр: Военная фантастика, фэнтези Издательство: Азбука-классика,Валери СПД,Домино,Эксмо.
Пятая Империя 1. Луна мятежников (Восход Луны) 2. Унаследованный Армагеддон. 8 100 — 2 — 128 381 39 000 Вебер Дэвид Научная фантастика 2003 год. Глаза коммандера Рендлмана были закрыты: он общался с искусственным интеллектом корабля. Читать книгу. Империя человека.
Дэвид Вебер Наследники Империи Fb2
9 110 — 3 — 21 757 3 200 Вебер Дэвид. Серия 'Пятая Империя' состоит из трех книг 1. Луна мятежников (Mutineers' Moon) 1994 (другой перевод: Восход Луны) 2.
Унаследованный Армагеддон (The Armageddon Inheritance) 1994 3. Наследники Империи (Heirs of Empire) 1996. Directx mafia 2. 10 2 200 да 5 да 229 407 95 400 Биография. Дэвид Марк Вебер (David Mark Weber) — американский писатель, сатирик, фантаст. Дэвид Вебер родился 24 октября 1952 года в Кливленде, штат Огайо (Cleveland.
The Armageddon Inheritance 1996 - Наследники Империи / Heirs of Empire. 11 1 600 да 5 — 194 866 119 000 Вебер Дэвид - все книги автора. Научная фантастика.
Земля смерти (Книга 2). Серия: Пятая Империя. Унаследованный Армагеддон. 12 190 — 3 — 8 572 4 300 Вебер Дэвид. Показаны книги с 1 по 10. Вот так он и оказался в Империи Топора, где даже те, кто. Жанр: Космическая фантастика С юных лет наследник имперского престола Роджер Макклинток пытался понять, почему никто, даже собственная мать.
13 1 900 — 5 — 236 048 73 200 1. Вебер Дэвид и Уайт Стив. Крестовый поход. Империя человека+полка. Вебер Дэвид и Ринго Джон. Марш через джунгли. 14 150 — 2 — 61 733 21 400 Вебер Дэвид.
Библиотека книг, бесплатно читать и скачать книги в формате txt. Бесплатное онлайн чтение. Книга: Пятая империя 1. 15 3 400 да 6 да 52 862 8 800 Воспользовавшись ослаблением Королевского Флота, Андерманская Империя намерена осуществить экспансию в регионе Силезской Конфедерации. Дэвид Вебер (David Weber, 2013) Миры Хонор. 16 700 да 4 да 4 093 1 000 Вебер Дэвид / Weber David - 1.
Серия 'Пятая Империя' (Fifth Empire). Луна мятежников (Mutineer's Moon) Унаследованный Армагеддон (The Armageddon Inheritance) Наследники Империи (Heirs of Empire). Презентация на тему день друзей. 17 20 — 1 — 3 326 1 100 Вебер Дэвид. Клятва мечей. Вот так он и оказался в Империи Топора, где даже те, кто не испытывал ненависти к народу Базела, смотрели на него со страхом и подозрением. 18 1 300 — 4 — 115 544 56 000 Вебер Дэвид Марк - это писатель, все электронные книги которого можно бесплатно скачать и читать онлайн без регистрации в нашей библиотеке. Империя человека - 1.
Имперский вояж. Пятая Империя - 1. Луна мятежников. 19 450 — 4 да 33 479 3 000 Скачать книгу « David Weber – Heirs of Empire». Найти другие книги автора/авторов: Weber David. Найти другие книги в жанре Научная Фантастика (все жанры). 20 350 — 0 да 79 011 49 700 Дэвид Марк Вебер (англ.
David Mark Weber, родился 24 октября 1952 года) — американский писатель, сатирик, фантаст. Серия: Империя человека.